meet jen little
Virginia Democrat. Lover of Libby the Lab. Virginia's Newest Valley Girl. PR Professional.
Civil Liberties & Social Justice Activist.

Of the things we think, say or do
Is it the TRUTH?
Is it FAIR to all concerned?
Will it be BENEFICIAL to all concerned?
"Do to others what you want them to do to you."
Welcome and thanks for visiting!
Before you scroll further I want to share something very important information with you that will help you understand who I am, and how I live my life.
All decisions and ethical dilemmas in my life are weighed against the Four-Way Test from Rotary International and the Golden Rule. It is really that simple.
Rotary International's motto: "Service Above Self" also defines my life's direction. It is my life's purpose to use my talents and skills to help others and make the world a better place. I promise you, this makes for a life worth living.
Two simple hashtags define how I want to live my life and be perceived by others as exemplifying. I use them often: #DoGood#BeTheChange
Sometimes, I 'm inspired to share little thoughts. You can find them here:
p.s. I love my Democratic Virginia Governors.
Meet Jen Little
Love Me Like The River Does

Love Me Like The River Does

Social Media Story with My Dog Libby

Across the Aisle
jen the public servant

In 2007 Jen was first elected to the Mathews County School Board. When she moved to Augusta County in December of 2016, Jen resigned from her third term, her ninth year, as a local elected official. Jen submitted her resignation because she moved to Staunton, Virginia to accept a position with the nationwide company Nexus Services, Inc. based in Verona.
Jen worked zealously to ensure all children in her community had access to a quality education during her service on the Mathews County School Board and advocated ardently at the local, state and federal levels of government for her students, employees, and community. During her time on the School Board, funding plunged due to the recession. Despite significant challenges, Jen remained vigilant in her efforts with the Board to provide the students of Mathews County the best education possible.
In August of 2016, Jen Governor Terry McAuliffe appointed Jen to the Virginia Board of Psychology. Where she currently serves as the only citizen member of the Board.
Following the Virginia Tech massacre, Governor Tim Kaine appointed Jen to the Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Services State Board (DBHDS) in 2008. This board oversees all mental health, substance abuse, and behavioral health services in the Commonwealth of Virginia. Jen's time on the DBHDS was a difficult period for the delivery of mental health services in Virginia. Jen was instrumental in making certain the Commonwealth Center for Children Adolescents in Staunton remained open through her vocal advocacy at all levels of Government, including conversations with Governor Kaine. She worked with fellow Board members to rename the entire agency from "Virginia Department of Mental Health, Mental Retardation, and Substance Abuse" to what we now know as the "Virginia Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Services." This move removed "Mental Retardation" from Virginia Code. During a horrible recession and severe budget cuts, Jen advocated ardently for the Commonwealth to provide a better delivery of mental health services and was successful on many fronts. Jen's term ended in 2012.
jen the lifelong democrat

Jen realized she was a Democrat at the age of five. On election night her mom explained that Jimmy Carter wanted to help people in America, yet Ronald Reagan was more concerned about what was happening outside of America. It was then she decided that it made sense to make certain our country took care of our citizens. Although she wasn't old enough to vote at five, she remains proud that her very first vote was for the southern gentleman from Arkansas, who became President Bill Clinton.
Jen has served the Democratic Party in various leadership roles over the years. She was a Young Democrat, Mathews County Democratic Committee member then moved on to Secretary, Vice Chairman, and two-term Chairman. Jen served on the Democratic Party of Virginia State Central Committee representing the First Congressional District for 12 years resigning in 2016 only when she moved to the Sixth Congressional District. After her move to the Shenandoah Valley, Jen immediately became active with the Augusta County Democratic Committee and the 6th Congressional District Committee. At the Sixth Congressional District Convention, Jen was elected to continue to serve on the Sixth Congressional District Committee for a two-year term.
Jen was instrumental in the organization the Association of Democratic Chairs and served as the organization's first Secretary.
The First Congressional District and the Democratic Party of Virginia recognized Jen as the "Grassroots Democrat" for 2005. The Democratic Party of Virginia again recognized Jen's leadership in 2008 while she was Chairman of the Mathews County Democratic Committee where the Committee was named "Committee of the Year."
Jen has volunteered and held paid consulting positions for numerous Democratic candidates over the past 15 years.
jen's career

Jen is a public relations pro, social media ace, marketing guru, and graphics and web designer. She is an overall marketing guru.
Jen is Director of Public Relations for Nexus Services, Inc. and the entire Nexus family of companies. Nexus Services Inc. strives to deliver cutting-edge products and services to clients with an intense desire to make the lives of their clients better. Nexus' innovative approach to immigrant bond securitization, use of GPS technology to reduce jail overcrowding, and providing low-cost and high-quality housing options in the community has grown the Nexus family of companies to be premier providers of life-changing products and services. Nexus stands on the front lines of a movement to promote peace and justice, with a constant respect for the inherent worth and dignity of all Nexus serves.
For more than 15 years Jen Little has worked with and served the business communities of Southeastern Virginia. She has held marketing positions and business development positions with several Hampton Roads companies, with a start in the construction industry. She has been an active member of the business and nonprofit community for almost 20 years. These civic and business organizations include The Greater Augusta Chamber of Commerce, the Gloucester Chamber of Commerce, Peninsula Women’s Network, the Mathews Rotary Club, Gloucester Relay for Life, Hampton Roads Association for Commercial Real Estate (HRACRE), Commercial Real Estate Women (CREW) and many others. Jen is passionate about serving her community and addressing issues that impact her community, commonwealth, and country.
In 2010 Inside Business named her one of the Top 40 Under Forty and she received a Women in Business Achievement Award for Hampton Roads in 2006.
Jen is the owner and founder of The Little Marketing Department. Her firm provides Marketing, Business Development, and Public Relations consulting services exclusively for services for the Professional Bondsmen of the United States (PBUS).
Over the past decade, Jen has worked with dozens of businesses and nonprofit organizations to help them meet their marketing, public relations and business development needs while reaching their target audience.

consulting services
finally, why is jen's website pink?

"I believe in PINK. I believe that laughing is the best calorie burner. I believe in kissing, kissing a lot. I believe in being strong when everything seems to be going wrong. I believe that happy girls are the prettiest girls. I believe that tomorrow is another day and I believe in miracles."
-Audrey Hepburn